Directions for Requesting Peer Notes:

You must be approved by the Office of Student Accessibility for a notetaker accommodation before you can use the note-taking system. The following procedures only apply to you if you have been approved for a note-taking accommodation.

  1. Click on the "Courses / Notes" link in the main menu
  2. You should see a list of your current courses. Check to make sure the correct term is listed at the top of the page, if you cannot see your current course
  3. You must indicate the courses for which you would like a notetaker by clicking change this in the "I require a notetaker" section
  4. Yes in the "I require a notetaker" section indicates that you have completed the request for the course

 Directions for Accessing Peer Notes:

  1. Click on the "Courses / Notes" link in the main menu
  2. You should see a list of your current courses. Check to make sure the correct term is listed at the top of the page, if you cannot see your current course
  3. Next to the class for which you would like to view notes, click on the "Notes" button
  4. You should now see a page with all uploaded notes for this course, including dates the notes were uploaded
  5. Next, click "View notes," under the "Download" section. Your notes will automatically download for your use directly to your computer
  6. If you have questions about accessing peer notes, please contact us: